Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Literatly Bittersweet

I just came across a link and I had to share it. I hope you find it interesting.
   With PCOS, depression is always lurking. There are so many reasons and risks to cause someone to become overwhelmed and, maybe without even knowing that it is happening, depressed. One of the best ways we can fight it is to inform ourselves.
   Read through this article. As silly as it seems, I feel God has been really urging me and nearly convicting me of drinking soda. However, I am the first to is hard. I love my diet coke. Oh yes, I know I said love. But we have must put ourselves and make ourselves a priority. I am not asking you to stop drinking soda and juices, I am asking you be open to the information available and make logical and healthy decisions for you! You deserve it! 

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