Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Literatly Bittersweet

I just came across a link and I had to share it. I hope you find it interesting.
   With PCOS, depression is always lurking. There are so many reasons and risks to cause someone to become overwhelmed and, maybe without even knowing that it is happening, depressed. One of the best ways we can fight it is to inform ourselves.
   Read through this article. As silly as it seems, I feel God has been really urging me and nearly convicting me of drinking soda. However, I am the first to is hard. I love my diet coke. Oh yes, I know I said love. But we have must put ourselves and make ourselves a priority. I am not asking you to stop drinking soda and juices, I am asking you be open to the information available and make logical and healthy decisions for you! You deserve it! 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Helpful Tips for us PCOS Girls

So, I just watched The Biggest Loser for the first time. Wow. Even though I am terrified of Jullian Michaels already, I was kind of inspired to start making some better choices for myself. Not knowing where to start, I randomly googled for some help and happened to land on this site. I found it very interesting and wanted to share it with my you. I thought it did real good job of describing PCOS and then giving some tips on what we can do to make healthy choices for us. Hope you enjoy it!

5 PCOS Diet Strategies | Attain Fertility

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Note to the Sad Girl

I know I haven't blogged a while, but now I must. I have sat back and watched others struggling with PCOS (Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome) and I know how that feels. PCOS has some nasty darkness that is hard to remove and stay away from. This darkness I have also felt and have had to fight against. PCOS is discouraging to girl who has tried every weight loss program out there. Some help shed a few pounds, but most of them leave you feeling like a failure. I once heard of a doctor saying that a girl with polycistic should be satisfied with losing a pound a month. I do not say that to discourage you. I say it in hopes that we will lose the need to abuse and hate ourselves for not being skinny. We have to make our goal be to care and love ourselves enough to make healthy decisions for ourselves. Because of these constant self-esteem issues alongside of the hormone imbalances, depression is sometimes quick to show it's nasty face. If you don't get anything else from this blog, please hear this...YOU HAVE TO FIGHT. I know it is hard and I know it gets so tiring, but you can't stop. I have found myself more than once debilitated, exhausted and defeated by depression. Thank God He did not leave me there. Once I was awaken and aware of what was going on, I had to find ways to live. Sometimes it felt more like trying to find ways to stay afloat. Even though I can not tell you personally how to stay positive and fight, I can tell you some suggestions that helped me. The first thing I did was engulf myself in things I love to do. I found out I am a pretty crafty person. I began crafting everything. Thank God for Pinterest. No matter if it is music or traveling or photography, find something you love to do and make time for it. Second thing I did was not put much attention in the what the media says and thinks. This is really hard to do because it is everywehere we look. No matter what the entertainment industry or media says we should or shouldn't look like, we have to realize that we are beautiful and deserving of feeling beautiful. What the media has to say is not the truth nor should be the determining factor on our thoughts of ourselves or others. I personally recommend looking to God for the truth on who you are. Start with the well known chapter in His word that says, "I will confess and praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.{Psalm 139} Last thing I had to do was get involved. This was hard for me especially when it came to others girls. I nearly had to force myself to be around other females. My insecurities had taken over and I was a bitter and jealous person. But once I found a glimpse of like for myself, I decided to drop my negative attitudes and feelings and actually interact with others. This changed my life. I found out others actually might like me just for me. I found out I am actually kind of fun and can have a good time. I found out I could trust others and rely on them for support. Am I saying I never get my feelings hurt or I never get jealous? No way. But I am aware now that it is possible to have friends that are girls and actually like them. Know that you are not alone. Know that you are awesome. Know that you are a fighter. Know that you don't have to be sad forever. Know you deserve happiness and good in your life. Know that you are beautiful.