Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Facing the Facts

My intention of this blog is this: to share the good, bad and the ugly of PCOS through encouraging words, but also through the facts and my encounters with the disease. Unfortunately, not every blog is uplifting, but its at least truthful and at least from the heart to hopefully help others walking the same path.
Part of stepping out denial about yourself is learning the facts whether they are good or bad. I'm freaking out cause I think I might have bad news tomorrow. I recently had blood taken and I am afraid the results are not going to be what I wanted to hear. I got the lovely call today that said I had to meet with someone about "disease management". Incredible huh?!
I am trying to remind myself Romans 8:28 "We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are chosen to be part of His plan." Even though I do not know the results just yet, I do know this; God loves me and He wants best for me. His thoughts are higher than mine. My idea of becoming healthy inside and out is not necessarily His idea.
There are two things I choose during this time of freaking out and stepping out of denial. First I choose to surrender to what the doctors say. My personality wants to not accept their diagnosis and rebel. But I will not. I will listen and choose to obey their directions. Secondly, I will to have joy through this all. I learned this week the difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is a response to a situation. Joy is a decision. I will have joy. There are many people in the United States that can not afford health care, but I get to have someone help me be healthy. There are many people who are immobile and have no way of communicating with friends or society. I can still move and breathe. Not to mention, I have the best friends a girl could ask for. Many people do not have hope or even I higher power. Not only do I have a higher power, but I have the higher power. In my God I find hope, grace, forgiveness, love and health. He is bigger and He wins. My God trumps all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jasie it's Tristen.. Shays little sister. I know it's hard to be positive when it comes to ailments . Just last year the told me i had IBs-c and Colonic Inertia ( that problem most of the time has to be fixed with colon removal ) not even being 30 yet .. colon removal was a scary thought. but after seeing a new GI I am on meds to help control it all, and it's a everyday struggle. to be honest what helps me the most is the Serenity Prayer , cause it reminds me that I have to be willing to give up a little control and let God. I'm praying for you .
