Friday, December 16, 2011


Here I am with a new blog. I have really been wanting to do this for quite some time now. For those who don't know me, my name is Jasie and I live with PCOS. Take note, the important words are "I live"! PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and is categorized as a rare condition. However, with knowledge and strong woman stepping out of denial, people are becoming more aware about the disease and ways to fight it.

I wanted to start this blog for two reasons: to help myself share my thoughts and feelings while dealing with PCOS and to maybe help others either dealing with it or something else that is holding them back from living 100%. Sharing my honest emotions and thoughts is totally stepping outside my box and is outside my comfort zone, but the goal of helping the world and each other gain information and encouragement far outweighs the desire to keep my mouth shut about the ups and downs of this specific syndrome. The truth is: it quite often feels like an uphill battle with PCOS. Trust me, I understand. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix for the disease. It is a process. But don't let that stop you. The rewards will be worth the work. We will soon see progression take place.
Do you have faith? Faith is defined as believing and putting trust in something you cannot physically see. Faith creates hope. Without faith and hope, whats the use in trying. I choose to put my faith and hope in my higher power-God. When I can trust or rely in God, I'm assured we will win.

Isaiah 26:3 People with their minds set on You,

You keep completely whole, steady on their feet, because they don't quit.

So stay tuned and be watching for more blogs with facts, stats and feelings about my PCOS journey. Engage. Ask questions. Gain knowledge. Be encouraged. Live.

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