Monday, May 21, 2012


   Discipline: Not a fantastic word to hear all the time, huh?! Why? Because it means that we are stepping out of denial and willing to do whatever it takes to make a change. Discipline doesn't usually equal fun. It means that we have some work to do.
   With PCOS, it can get very discouraging when you feel you have tried everything and nothing has changed. But we have to remember disciplines close cousin: consistency. You know the saying, "Consistency is the key!" Easier said that done, huh?
   I think that everyone can say that they have an area in their lives where they could be more disciplined. With PCOS, we have no other choice. To be on top of the disorder and overcome it, we have to change our priorities and put our health and well-being first.
   In my opinion, there are three areas we need to be disciplined in with PCOS:
1.) Exercise: All the articles you read about PCOS stress the importance of exercise. Exercise can be a game changer for more than one reason. Not only do you feel incredible when you are done, but the physical benefits are countless. Exercise is a must. Words of encouragement: Don't get discouraged and start where you can.
2.) Diet: Because those of us with PCOS have a high chance of being or becoming diabetic, watching and/or monitoring the food we consume is essential. It's not good for us to be consuming much sugars and carbs. We need to remember that our food does not break down and process like others'.
3.) Stay in the know: When we stay in the know about PCOS, we stay our denial. It is super easy to slip back into the lazy zone and avoid dealing with the problem. We need to remember that we can't change the problem. Unfortunately, it's a reality. However, we can change the outcome. When we see our doctors regularly, we connect with a support group or even search for knowledge, we stay in the know and in reality. That is a must.
   I encourage you to make some goals of your own. What do you want to see different? Where do you feel you need to be disciplined? I also encourage you to connect with an accountability partner who will encourage and help you stay on track. And above all, don't give up.

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